HNGR/Stott Symposium videos are available

The HNGR (Human Needs and Global Resources) program at Wheaton College recently honored John Stott’s legacy with a symposium titled Radical Discipleship: Loving Jesus in all of life, celebrating three commitments evident in Stott’s life: strengthening global church leadership, broadening Christian social engagement, and demonstrating that creation care is integral to discipleship.

It happens that almost all of the plenary speakers at this event are members of the Lausanne/WEA Creation Care Network, and most have been presenters at at least one of the LWCCN regional conferences in recent years (see list below).

Here is one video clip from Kuki Rokhum’s talk (see below for the full list – all are available free courtesy Wheaton College and the HNGR program. Thank you, friends!):

Ruth Padilla DeBorst and Kuki Rhokhum speaking at the recent John Stott symposium at Wheaton College.

Video list:

Speaker list: