Climate Change Discussion among Madrid Evangelicals

One of the exciting outcomes of the COP 25 Climate meetings in Spain last month was a weekend program midway through the two week conference for evangelical church leaders in the Madrid area. The program was featured in an article in Evangelical Focus, an outreach of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance:

“Let’s begin to raise awareness, respond to this responsibility before God. Let’s plant churches, but also trees”, said Lowell Bliss co-director of the Christian Climate Observer Program.

La Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático que se está celebrando en Madrid (COP25) ha contado con representantes de varias entidades cristianas.

Representantes del Programa Cristiano de Observadores del Clima (CCOP, por sus siglas en inglés), un grupo que forma parte de la Red del Movimiento Lausana y de la Alianza Evangélica Mundial para el Cuidado de la Creación, ha sido invitado por la ONU a la cumbre en calidad de observadores.

And an interview on a local Christian television station:

Creation care interview on Spanish television

The interview above features Michael J. Wickham, (in Spain known otherwise as Miguel Wickham), interviewed by Jose Pablo Sánchez, Director of the programme.  Miguel is a Geography teacher, since 1996 Head of Secondary of a British school in Madrid, and on the pastoral team of the Iglesia Evangelica en Suanzes, Madrid. He is also the author (with his father) of a book in 2012 in Spanish – ‘Ecología y Cristianismo: una reflexión cristiana’ .