The Pollinator: Creation Care Network News Headlines, opportunities and prayer needs from around the world. Mon, 03 Mar 2025 17:27:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Pollinator: Creation Care Network News 32 32 164541824 Anticipating Earth Day 2025: Our Power, Our Planet Mon, 03 Mar 2025 16:55:02 +0000

Did you know?

On April 22nd, 2025, Earth Day will turn 55, with 192 countries and over one billion people around the globe expected to participate. This demonstrates how the diverse Earth Day movement remains as dedicated today as it was back in 1970 to bringing everyone together for a better future. (Find out more facts, here!)

So as Earth Day 2025 beckons, here are some opportunities to attend to various creation care activities!

This year, is organising their flagship event ‘Earth Action Day’—a coordinated global event that draws together leaders (whether government or church!), policymakers and the wider community to discuss and implement meaningful solutions for the sake of our shared planet.

The theme for Earth Day 2025, “Our Power, Our Planet,” underscores the vital role communities play in transitioning to renewable energy and sustainable practices. While Earth Day officially falls on April 22nd—which is close to Easter Sunday this year—churches, faith groups, and other communities are encouraged to plan these Earth Day events at any time throughout April. offers a litany of resources, activities, and opportunities for you to get involved! Here are (just a few!) ways by which you can get involved:

  1. Host an Earth Action Day Forum: Bring together church leaders and local officials alike to discuss integrating renewable energy within your community. You can register your event on the Earth Day Map, along with any other Earth Day activities you host!
  2. Make a Commitment: Encourage your church or faith group to expand its use of renewable energy this year.
  3. Incorporate the Theme: Use ‘Our Power, Our Planet’ theme in your Earth Day initiatives.

How can support you in these efforts?

  • Virtual consultations and event planning support.
  • Assistance in recruiting elected officials for forums.
  • Publicity for your event through local and national media, including inclusion on the Earth Day Global Event Map.
  • Access to resources such as the theme fact sheet, pamphlets, and organising toolkits.
  • Event planning checklists like the Forum Checklist.

If you are interested in participating or have any questions, reach out to’s Faith Outreach Associate at or

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Recording of 2025’s first LWCCN Webinar: What’s Going On in Creation Care? Mon, 03 Mar 2025 16:35:38 +0000

We began the year with an excellent first LWCCN webinar, bringing together participants across the globe for a meaningful time of discussion and regional sharing. More than 100 people registered across two time zones, and while attendance was slightly lower, we had representation from all the global regions, and rich conversations in the regional breakout groups.

We are glad to share with you both the recording of the webinar and the PowerPoint slides for this.

Note: The webinar recording combines highlights from both time slots on Feb 26.

Do note the future dates and other events lined up over the year—we are encouraged by your participation and prayer!

The recording may also be found on LWCCN’s brand-new YouTube channel! Subscribe to @LausanneWEACreationCareNetwork to stay informed and empowered to care for creation.

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What’s Going on for Creation Care in 2025? Mon, 03 Mar 2025 16:03:41 +0000

Creation care efforts around the world are steadily gaining momentum in 2025! Fresh on the heels of our first LWCCN webinar, here are key dates pertaining creation care to mark on your calendars and uphold in prayer:

  • 3-7 March, Tirana, Albania, launch of Impact Team on Creation Care in Theological Education, as part of ICETE (International Council for Evangelical Theological Education) global conference. If you know people who’d be interested in joining this Impact Team, contact or sign up here.
  • 22 April (or nearest suitable date) Earth Day: ‘Our Power, Our Planet’ (please see the article in this Pollinator issue).
  • 10-17 May Tagaytay, Philippines A Rocha Worldwide Family Forum(Bringing together leaders from A Rocha’s 20+ organisations to pray and plan)
  • 29 May, 11:00 & 19:00 UTC – LWCCN Webinar: Creation care in the Workplace (booking details will be shared in the Pollinator)
  • 9-13 June Nice, France United Nations Oceans Conference
  • 14-19 July Panama Lausanne Network Catalysts Meeting  (an opportunity to network creation care with other areas of ministry and mission)
  • 1 September – 4 October – Season of Creation – this year’s theme is ‘Peace with Creation‘ and resources will be up soon at
  • 4 September,11:00 & 19:00 UTC – LWCCN Webinar: Children & Young People in Creation Care (booking details will be shared in the Pollinator)
  • 29 September – 2 October Cape Town, South Africa – Micah Global Consultation with the theme ‘Walking together in hope’. Creation care will be a significant theme. Find out more and book here.
  • 9-15 October Abu Dhabi IUCN World Conservation Congress.The largest gathering of nature conservation experts, leaders and decision-makers in the world
  • 27-31 October Seoul, South Korea World Evangelical Alliance General Assembly.
  • 10-21 November Belem, Brazil COP30 United Nations Climate Conference, at which the CCOP (Christian Climate Observers Program) will be present
  • 4 December, 11:00 & 19:00 UTC – LWCCN Webinar: Creation & the Arts (booking details will be shared in the Pollinator)

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An Invitation to Wonder: Waubesa Wetlands Mon, 03 Mar 2025 15:54:45 +0000

Calvin B. DeWitt is a pioneer in the evangelical creation care movement and has spent decades championing the call for Christians everywhere to attend closely to and care for creation. His latest project—a joint venture with his grandson—An Invitation to Wonder: Waubesa Wetlands, offers a deeply personal glimpse into the beauty and wisdom of this good earth. We’re delighted to share this with you!

Calvin is a professor emeritus of Environmental Studies at the Nelson Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison. His development of Au Sable Institute brought him the Friends of the United Nations 500 award. His books, Earthwise: A Guide to Hopeful Creation Care and Song of a Scientist: The Harmony of a God-Soaked Creation, are valuable resources for Christians interested in caring for Creation. 

Much of his work is deeply inspired by the magnificent Waubesa Wetlands preserve in Wisconsin, where he lives with his wife, Ruth. Recently, he teamed up with his grandson, Ben Albert, to produce this film:

An Invitation to Wonder: Waubesa Wetlands.

Embark on a journey into Waubesa Wetlands as Calvin DeWitt, a wetland scientist and Nelson Institute faculty emeritus, shares the knowledge and wisdom he has found from living on the marsh for over 50 years. Taking these lessons, his grandson, a 20-year-old filmmaker, sets out to gain a deeper understanding of the marsh and his grandfather’s unique connection with it. 

The film premieres on March 16, 2025.

Tune in for its live debut on PBS Wisconsin at 6:30 PM CST, or stream it online that same day at This is a great resource for churches to begin conversations about creation care in their communities. For more information about bringing the film to your community, do check out

We hope you’ll leap at this wonderful opportunity to watch this film!

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The Manumea: Caring for Creation in Samoa Mon, 03 Mar 2025 14:31:24 +0000

Rev. Dr. Alesana Pala’amo of the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa offers a compelling call to action in this short video.

The video highlights the protection of the Manumea, or Tooth-billed Pigeon (Didunculus strigirostris)—the national bird of Samoa, a unique large pigeon, the only member of its genus, and globally endangered with only c.200 surviving in the wild!

The video thus challenges Samoans, who are overwhelmingly Christian, with the biblical call to care for creation: “We are caretakers of creation … We have been entrusted with this task of saving his [God’s] environment.” 

Watch the video here:

Thumbnail image credit: CloudSurfer (CC BY-SA)

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Correction: Passcode for Webinars on the ‘Korean Invitation’—What Happened in Korea? Wed, 05 Feb 2025 16:18:58 +0000

In the Cover Article for our last issue of the Pollinator, Lausanne Catalyst Dave Bookless discussed the ‘Korean Invitation’—an initiative that emerged from the Global Creation Care Forum held in South Korea. Further, recordings for two webinars held on the matter were shared.

We apologise for omitting the passcode for these in the previous issue. Here they are:

Webinar 1 (featuring Jasmine Kwong, Kuki Rokhum, Richard Sempala, Rei Crizaldo, Caroline Pomeroy, Ryoung Kim, Julio Reis, Juliana Morillo & Dave Bookless) 

Passcode: f9%E331*

Webinar 2 (featuring Laura Yoder, Jeong Jee-Hye, Samuel Chiu, Maria Alejandra Andrade, Edgar Pollard, Jocabed Solano Miselis, Matheus Ortega, Michael Jemphrey, Juliana Morillo & Dave Bookless)

Passcode: hiV.S7A!

We encourage you to give these a listen, and warmly welcome your participation and support for the ‘Korean Invitation’. To that end, we welcome you to read the Invitation both carefully and prayerfully and, if possible, to sign it using this form.

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An Invitation: Connecting to Care for our Common Home Wed, 05 Feb 2025 16:12:50 +0000

Dear friends,

Are you passionate about caring for God’s world and doing or trying to do something where you are? 

The Oikos Network provides an opportunity for Christians from around the world who are passionate about caring for the environment and tackling climate change in their churches and communities. Oikos, Greek for ‘home’, was the brainchild of Ruth Valerio when she worked at Tearfund. She’d noticed that many Christian leaders around the world were passionate about addressing climate and creation care but felt isolated and under-resourced. ‘I was meeting Christians all around the world who were caring for God’s world but often feeling lonely and encountering similar issues despite different contexts,’ says Ruth. ‘There is such power in meeting like-minded people, and so inspiring to learn, share and pray together.’  

Under the leadership of A Rocha, the next Oikos cohort will start from 11 February 2025. Here is an opportunity for you to gather online monthly over six months to discuss, learn, pray and inspire each other.  Each group will have a facilitator who helps create an accepting, listening atmosphere, and leads the group through discussion, sharing, Bible study and prayer. Many groups meet in English and as Oikos has grown there are groups in French, Spanish and Portuguese. 

You can join the next cohort by filling up this registration form  You can also contact us at

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Mark Your Calendars! Introducing the LWCCN Webinars for 2025 Wed, 05 Feb 2025 16:08:48 +0000

2025’s First LWCCN Webinar: What’s going on in Creation Care 2025: Global & Regional

Wednesday 26th February, 11:00 or 19:00 GMT

Book your ticket:, choosing which timing you prefer!

What’s going on with Creation Care in 2025? When are the key meetings and what will they be looking at? Do you have a sense of anxiety and fear due to global events or can you find reasons for hope? How about in your region?

This webinar will both give an overview of key global moments and meetings, and also break into regional rooms to share what’s happening (or you want to happen) in your own region. At our Global Creation Care Forum there was a strong desire for more regional networking, so here’s your chance to get that started! 

Please note, the webinar is free. You can either accept or decline the invitation to contribute towards LWCCN costs.

Mark these dates! The LWCCN Webinars for the rest of 2025

29th May Thursday, 11:00 & 19:00 UTC– Creation care in the Workplace

4th September Thursday,11:00 & 19:00 UTC– Children & Young People in Creation Care

4th December Thursday, 11:00 & 19:00 UTC– Creation & the Arts

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An Invitation to Prayer: Climate Intercessors Wed, 05 Feb 2025 16:04:51 +0000

Climate Intercessors is a global network “of people whose prayers are as real and urgent as the climate crisis.” Across six continents, we began gathering online since November 2020 during the week that the important COP26 climate summit was postponed due to the pandemic. It genuinely felt like we were “standing in the gap,” a metaphor long applied to the work of intercessory prayer in the world.

See for more information.

CI meets over Zoom every second Tuesday of each month. The first one in 2025 will be February 11th.

  • The ones in the following months would be March 11th, April 8th and May 13th

Those who are interested can check the above website and subscribe to the e-newsletter, along with the virtual gathering details and monthly bible studies / devotional.

Our meetings typically have four parts: a brief liturgy, praying about current news gathered from the headlines, praying about a more developed theme, and then using breakout rooms to pray for local requests.

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Stories on Caring for Creation Wed, 05 Feb 2025 15:54:03 +0000

Friends, are you seeking stories, insight and encouragement on what caring for creation looks like around the world?

We would like to remind you and draw your attention to a precious resource that does just that! Do check out

Our Lausanne Catalyst, Jasmine Kwong writes: 

“This new website hosts a collection of short films featuring stories of people of faith in God’s creation. These short films highlight creation care stories in different contexts, including a fisherman-pastor living in a rural, coastal community and a local church in a big city. These videos can be used for personal reflection, and can also serve as a launching pad for discussion in small groups and communities.”

Further, the website has since been updated with discussion questions alongside the videos—to foster further thought, engagement, and dialogue!

Feel free to contact Creation Care Stories for more information at

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