Climate Intercessors – The Pollinator: Creation Care Network News Headlines, opportunities and prayer needs from around the world. Wed, 05 Feb 2025 16:04:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Climate Intercessors – The Pollinator: Creation Care Network News 32 32 164541824 An Invitation to Prayer: Climate Intercessors Wed, 05 Feb 2025 16:04:51 +0000

Climate Intercessors is a global network “of people whose prayers are as real and urgent as the climate crisis.” Across six continents, we began gathering online since November 2020 during the week that the important COP26 climate summit was postponed due to the pandemic. It genuinely felt like we were “standing in the gap,” a metaphor long applied to the work of intercessory prayer in the world.

See for more information.

CI meets over Zoom every second Tuesday of each month. The first one in 2025 will be February 11th.

  • The ones in the following months would be March 11th, April 8th and May 13th

Those who are interested can check the above website and subscribe to the e-newsletter, along with the virtual gathering details and monthly bible studies / devotional.

Our meetings typically have four parts: a brief liturgy, praying about current news gathered from the headlines, praying about a more developed theme, and then using breakout rooms to pray for local requests.

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An Invitation to Prayer: Climate Intercessors Thu, 04 Apr 2024 12:05:35 +0000

Climate Intercessors is a global network “of people whose prayers are as real and urgent as the climate crisis.” Across six continents, we began gathering online since November 2020 during the week that the important COP26 climate summit was postponed due to the pandemic. It genuinely felt like we were “standing in the gap,” a metaphor long applied to the work of intercessory prayer in the world. At that time, Dave Bookless (A Rocha International) called our efforts part of “the missing puzzle piece” in climate action.

We meet over Zoom on the second Tuesday of each month, and offer four one-hour options to try to accommodate as many time zones as possible. Our next scheduled date is April 9.

Click here for Zoom links.

Our meetings typically have four parts: a brief liturgy, praying about current news gathered from the headlines, praying about a more developed theme, and then using breakout rooms to pray for local requests.

[To give you a taste of specifics, April’s headline prayers will include the heartbreaking drought in Western Afghanistan, and the theme prayers will focus on Carbon Capture and Sequestration; that God might enable engineers to bring CCS to scale quickly and that the public might not be swayed by false claims made about CCS by the fossil fuel companies.]

Another feature of Climate Intercessors is our monthly newsletters which features a brief reflection from Scripture about the climate crisis and prayer. Writer Lowell Bliss calls these “injective Bible studies”: what happens when you inject the topic of climate change into old familiar stories from the Gospels and the Old Testament? The titles might be tongue-in-check—such as April 2023’s “Lazarus’s Sisters Emote over the IPCC Report (John 11)—but our careful handling of God’s Word is a serious call to go beyond the standard “creation care verses” and to explore how all of Scripture can instruct us in the climate crisis.

Read old newsletters, subscribe to new ones, and find the timings for meetings at No registration is required for the meetings. Just show up. All are welcome.

Climate Intercessors Prayer Schedule Wed, 02 Feb 2022 16:48:29 +0000

Here’s an invitation from Climate Intercessors to join them in prayer for the climate crisis. Prayer times are being held over Zoom and three times each scheduled day in order to accomodate different time zones. The next event will be February 8 as follows:

Join our global zoom prayer meetings on
Tuesday, February 8

13h00 GMT (8h00 EST; 5h00 PST; 21h00 Singapore)
20h00 GMT (15h00 EST; 12h00 PST; Wed: 4h00 Singapore)
20h00 EST (17h00 PST; Wed: 1h00 GMT, 9h00 Singapore)

Zoom link for all meetings:
Meeting ID: 390 800 3224

Praying about the climate? Yes! Tue, 04 May 2021 20:04:02 +0000
Climate Intercessors

A relatively new prayer initiative, Climate Intercessors, got a push this month with an article in Christianity Today: “Asking God to Reduce Climate Emissions“:

The prayer campaign is organized by former Baptist missionary Lowell Bliss and includes leaders from the Lausanne/World Evangelical Alliance Creation Care Network, A Rocha International, Youth With A Mission England, Christian Missionary Fellowship International, Tearfund, and Young Evangelicals for Climate Action.

“A group of us are feeling called into a type of prayer commensurate to the urgency of the climate crisis,” Bliss said, “to appeal to the Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer of all creation that God might intervene in this hour of great threat and profound injustice.”

Bliss is hoping thousands—evangelicals and charismatics as well as mainline Protestant and Catholics—will come together in intercessory prayer, “praying authentically while stepping outside our comfort zone … in a united appeal to God, ‘Lord, have mercy.’”

Want to join the effort? More information and sign up here.
