courses – The Pollinator: Creation Care Network News Headlines, opportunities and prayer needs from around the world. Wed, 28 Aug 2024 15:57:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 courses – The Pollinator: Creation Care Network News 32 32 164541824 IBTS Eco-crisis and the Gospel Online Course Wed, 28 Aug 2024 15:57:22 +0000

We bring you to your attention a resource from our friends over at the International Baptist Theology Study Center (IBTS) at the Netherlands: the Eco-crisis and the Gospel online course.

This course, part of the IBTS Learning Network, is open to members of all and any denominations (or even if you don’t belong to any denomination!), from anywhere in the world.

The course explores how Christians can respond to the current multiple ecological crises, no matter who and where you are placed. You will acquire biblical, theological, and ecological resources for reshaping your understanding of discipleship and attend to concrete practices that may bear witness to Jesus Christ, cultivating lives that are properly aligned with God’s redemption of creation.

Details are as follow:

  • Course begins: 3rd October 2024
  • Duration: 10 weeks, 3-5 hours per week
  • Format: Fully online, facilitated course of 10-20 participants, with a weekly virtual meeting
  • Cost: 150 Euros, scholarships are available
  • Language: English

What are you waiting for? Sign up here!

For more information, including who the facilitators are, head on over to:

An Online Course: IBTS Eco-Crisis and the Gospel Wed, 04 Oct 2023 10:36:09 +0000

Hear ye, hear ye! There’s a new online course, ‘Eco-Crisis and the Gospel’, part of the International Baptist Theological Study Center (IBTS) that we think is of great value for your earthkeeping journey. This course, which is conducted in English, is open to all, regardless of denomination, location and theological preparation!

Here is some more information from Laura-Lee Lovering, the Creation Stewardship Coordinator of BMS World Mission (Perú):

Are you looking for an online course exploring the interface between Christian faith and the triple planetary crises of environmental degradation, biodiversity collapse and climate change? You’ve found it: Eco-crisis and the Gospel! The course is 10 weeks and starts on 20th September. Interested?

Please see the flyer or visit the website:

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Free online course: Environment and Society with Brian Webb Mon, 30 Aug 2021 19:04:53 +0000
May be an image of sky, mountain and text that says "Environment & Society A free online webinar course 1ह HOUGHTON COLLEGE"

Brian Webb is teaching another FREE (yes, you read that right!) online course out of Houghton College.

This one starts this week – on Wednesday, 1 September. It is scheduled each Wednesday from 7 to 9 pm Eastern Time (US) but registered participants can watch recordings in their own time zones, so don’t let the time stop you!

Here’s the description. You can register here – but do it soon!

Are you curious about environmental issues, but feel like there’s so much to learn and so much you don’t know? Are you interested in learning how to be a better steward of God’s creation? Ever wonder why environmental problems are so complicated? What’s really causing the environmental challenges we face today and what can be done about them?

Environment and Society provides answers to these questions (and many others) by providing an introduction to understanding the complex relationship between human society and the natural world. We will examine a variety of causes and consequences of environmental challenges, and will evaluate possible solutions from social, political, scientific, and ethical perspectives. The course serves as an excellent introduction to creation care and environmental stewardship for those looking to increase their understanding of these critical issues. It also functions as the introductory course for a degree in environmental studies.

Starting September 1, 2021

This 8-week course will meet Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 9:00 pm ET and will run through October 20. Class recordings will be made available to registered participants to watch asynchronously.

God, Country and Climate Change: *Free* course at Houghton College Mon, 01 Feb 2021 06:00:00 +0000

There are good things happening at Houghton College, a small Christian college in New York state that is doing big things with creation care. In 2015 they installed what was then the largest solar system of any college in New York State (3.1 million kilowatt hours). This year they introduced a new Environmental Studies major. And now Brian Webb, the guy behind all of that, wants to share the wealth with you with a free online course: God, Country and Climate Change: A Christian Perspective on a Global Problem.

Here’s the description; note the experts you will be interacting with. Click through for more details:

This spring, Houghton College will be offering a FREE online course called “God, Country, and Climate Change: A Christian Perspective on a Global Problem.”  The course will be taught by Brian Webb, the founder of Climate Caretakers and an Instructor of Environmental Studies at Houghton College.  The course aims to help Christians develop a biblically grounded and scientifically robust understanding of the climate crisis.

The course will delve into the complex intersections between faith, science, and politics, and will feature guest lectures from some of the top global experts in their field.  Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about climate science from Katharine Hayhoe.
  • Study scripture with New Testament scholar, Jonathan Moo.
  • Explore innovative climate solutions with Elizabeth Bagley at Project Drawdown.
  • Discuss the complex psychology behind climate beliefs and denial with founder John Cook.
  • Examine the complexity of climate politics with former Congressman Bob Inglis.
  • Learn about the intersections between climate change and social justice from Rev. James Bhagwan.
  • Discuss climate change as a public health issue with Edward Maibach.
  • Consider the spirituality of climate action with Lowell Bliss.

The course is offered for FREE in webinar format, though participants may also take it for credit ($1,176) or audit ($150).  Credit and audit students receive full access to supplementary lectures, forum discussions, and the opportunity to interact live with guest speakers.

The course will be held Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. ET from March 17 – May 5.

Please visit to learn more or to register.

Online course at Au Sable Institute: Environmental Change and Infectious Disease Mon, 03 Aug 2020 00:30:01 +0000

Au Sable Institute has had to move its course offerings online, along with everyone else. This one is open to anyone (there is a fee) and is timely considering the topic. Here’s the course description:

This course is perfect for all lifelong learners who are interested in this topic and support Au Sable’s mission to inspire and educate people to serve, protect, and restore God’s earth. A few of the questions that will be covered in this course include:

• How did SARS-CoV2, the novel coronavirus that has caused death and suffering for millions, become a human pathogen?

• How do human influences on our environment affect existing and emerging infectious diseases?

• What about all the other disease-causing organisms out there? What’s next?

• I feel so small – what can I do about any of this? How does my Christian faith inform my response?

Click here to learn more and sign up.

NOTE that the registration deadline is July 17.
