MENA – The Pollinator: Creation Care Network News Headlines, opportunities and prayer needs from around the world. Tue, 06 Dec 2022 17:37:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MENA – The Pollinator: Creation Care Network News 32 32 164541824 MENA Creation Care Conference: Final Report Tue, 06 Dec 2022 17:37:08 +0000

Dave Bookless has shared an excellent summary of the final conference in the LWCCN Global Campaign for Creation Care and the Gospel campaign.

The report can be accessed below.

10 years and 13 conferences later, the Global Campaign has ended. Fri, 07 Oct 2022 10:00:00 +0000
Looking out over the Jordan River valley from the MENA conference site in Jordan.

The Global Campaign for Creation Care and the Gospel began in November 2012 with the Jamaica Consultation. At that meeting an idea was born to bring the creation care message to the global church as quickly as possible. Ten years later, even with a global pandemic, we can say that this goal has been accomplished.

The last planned conference was held just last week in Ajloun Jordan, with almost 50 people gathering from almost all of the countries in the region. Speakers and participants included Las Newman, Global Director for Regions for Lausanne, Michael El Daba, Lausanne’s Regional Director for MENA, and Jack Sara, Secretary General for the Middle East North Africa Alliance of the WEA.

We will eventually release a summary report from the 10 year campaign. But for now we rejoice that God has allowed the dream conceived in Jamaica to be finally brought to fulfillment in that part of the world where the Gospel began – the Middle East.

LWCCN Global Campaign MENA Conference Sat, 04 Jun 2022 14:59:02 +0000

The final conference in the Lausanne/WEA Creation Care Global Campaign for Creation Care and the Gospel, which has been running since 2012, will be held in the Middle East/North Africa Region in September:

Creation Care and the Gospel:
How can Christians and the Church respond
to the ecological crises facing the world?

Gathering Christians from across the Middle East and North Africa
in prayer, action and stewardship

28 September – 2 October, 2022
Ajloun, Jordan

More details are available here, with a link to the registration page. Registration opens up 9 June.

Save the date: Regional Conference for MENA 28 September in Jordan Tue, 03 May 2022 17:35:00 +0000

The LWCCN Global Campaign is resuming!

LWCCN (Lausanne Movement / World Evangelical Alliance Creation Care Network), had originally planned a regional conference for MENA (Middle East / North Africa )on Creation Care & the Gospel to be held Egypt in May 2020. This was postponed indefinitely due to Coronavirus, but it would have built on 10 previous regional conferences around the world that have helped create a global Creation Care movement amongst evangelical churches and organisations.

We are excited to announce plans for a MENA region conference, from 28th September – 2nd October 2022 to be held at the beautiful Aljoun Baptist Conference Center in Jordan.

More information will be forthcoming. For now, if you live in this region please mark your calendar. We will announce a registration website and further information shortly. If you have questions now, write to and we will forward your message to the appropriate people.
