Pastors – The Pollinator: Creation Care Network News Headlines, opportunities and prayer needs from around the world. Fri, 02 Sep 2022 15:25:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pastors – The Pollinator: Creation Care Network News 32 32 164541824 Do you know a pastor in the US who would appreciate a climate change briefing? Fri, 02 Sep 2022 16:03:00 +0000

Care of Creation in collaboration with the Loka Initiative at the University of Wisconsin Madison is preparing to invite a small number of pastors in the US to a four-day consultation November 15-18, 2022. This will be the third iteration of the Creation at the Crossroads program which is described in the YouTube video below.

Unlike the previous two convenings, which were held online due to Covid, this event will be in person in Madison. But it will also be a very small event, limited to a maximum of 20 pastors or pastoral staff. (There is a possibility that the program may be repeated in future years). Here’s the program description:

This initiative is designed for self-identified evangelical pastors of American mid-size congregations  to provide them, in a confidential and supportive setting, with information and tools about the topics of creation care and climate change. The program is designed for pastors who find themselves isolated and unsupported on issues such as creation care and climate change.  

The program will feature Dave Bookless as our theology resource person and several top climate scientists from the University of Wisconsin. Topics will include dealing with conflict over environmental issues in the congregation and politics and policy issues. Ed Brown (Care of Creation) and Dekila Chungyalpa (Loka) will facilitate the event.

If you are a pastor as described above, or if you know a pastor (or pastors) who would benefit from a program like this, please let Ed Brown know as soon as possible. The cost of the program, including travel, will be completely covered by generous donors. There is no firm application deadline, but the program can accept no more than twenty individuals, so if you know someone who might be interested please let them or Ed Brown know as soon as possible.

A full program description is here.
