place – The Pollinator: Creation Care Network News Headlines, opportunities and prayer needs from around the world. Fri, 04 Jun 2021 16:19:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 place – The Pollinator: Creation Care Network News 32 32 164541824 An architect discusses place, buildings – and Creation Care Fri, 04 Jun 2021 17:10:00 +0000

Peter Tan is an award-winning architect in Madison WI. He is also creative, thoughtful, and passionate about the wonders of God’s creation. The Chief Design Officer at Strang Inc., Peter recently shared his thoughts on how he thinks as an architect and what this has to do with caring for God’s creation in an hour-long podcast conversation hosted by Upper House, a Christian outreach ministry at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

This conversation is worth listening to. You’ll never look at a window, door or store-front the same way again. You might even want to think about becoming an architect, or at least buying your child another set of legos!

Here’s the episode page. Click below to listen to the podcast.

Love Your Place: Become a member before it’s too late! Fri, 02 Oct 2020 17:07:04 +0000

Many of us struggle with how to bring our love for God’s creation and our desire to help creation heal into our every day lives.

That is what ‘Love Your Place’ is all about – this is a monthly subscription program from A Rocha USA (sorry, at this time membership is only open to people in the US) to help each of us connect with others and to provide the resources we need to really love the place where God has put us.

Here’s what membership will give you:

>Themed courses to help you cultivate a deep love for creation through curated science and theology materials, as well as devotional guides & action-steps.

>An online community to help you connect with others who care about creation.

>A weekly email with a practical resources you can use to care for creation.

>Exciting opportunities like eco-tourism trips, regional events, and content like podcasts and webinars.

>A few fun little pieces of flair, too.

There are three different levels of membership as described here.

But note: in order to adequately serve their members, this initial membership drive will close on October 5! That means you have less than four days to sign up.

Do it!

Creation Care and Frontier Missiology Mon, 31 Aug 2020 18:07:12 +0000

The ever-prolific Bob Sluka has strayed slightly from the comfort of his ocean work with A Rocha International to explore environmental missions from a new angle. Here is his summary of his recently published article in the International Journal of Frontier Missions:

The article is trying to articulate how creation care enhances Frontier
Missions as currently defined, but also tries to suggest that the
current definition is inadequate as it focuses only on people and not
also on place.
To have a full, Kingdom-minded, integral definition of
Frontier Missions, we need to not only think about humans, but the wider
social and environmental contexts, which puts creation not serving,
but being served….

Bob says, “Let’s see what people think.” So, what do you think?

[Read the article here.]

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