Spain – The Pollinator: Creation Care Network News Headlines, opportunities and prayer needs from around the world. Mon, 16 Oct 2023 07:04:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Spain – The Pollinator: Creation Care Network News 32 32 164541824 Blue whales return to Spain Mon, 30 Aug 2021 14:39:01 +0000
​A blue whale.

The Blue Whale, largest of God’s creatures on earth today, has returned to the waters off the coast of Spain after an absence of more than 40 years. From EcoWatch:

Since 2017, there have been four sightings of three different whales off the coast of Galicia in northwest Spain. The most recent was reported August 10 by the Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute (BDRI).

“We want to share with all of you the good news of the presence of the largest animal species on the planet and a symbol of the conservation of our oceans, the blue whale that one more year returns to forage in the rich Galician waters,” the BDRI wrote in an Instagram post.

Blue whales are the largest animal ever known to have lived on Earth, according to National Geographic. They can grow to be as long as 100 feet long and 200 tons in weight. However, their massive size did not protect them from being nearly hunted to extinction during the 20th century. They were protected beginning in 1966 by the International Whaling Commision, but have only slightly recovered and are still considered endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List.

In Spain specifically, they were driven nearly to local extinction because of whalingThe Guardian explained. There were a dozen whaling ports in Galicia itself. The country finally banned the practice in 1986, when the global moratorium on commercial whaling was adopted.

On the other hand, some experts are concerned that this does not indicate a win, but a problem with the blue whales’ habitat being changed by climate change. Read the rest of the article here.

Climate Change Discussion among Madrid Evangelicals Fri, 31 Jan 2020 14:32:51 +0000

One of the exciting outcomes of the COP 25 Climate meetings in Spain last month was a weekend program midway through the two week conference for evangelical church leaders in the Madrid area. The program was featured in an article in Evangelical Focus, an outreach of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance:

“Let’s begin to raise awareness, respond to this responsibility before God. Let’s plant churches, but also trees”, said Lowell Bliss co-director of the Christian Climate Observer Program.

La Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático que se está celebrando en Madrid (COP25) ha contado con representantes de varias entidades cristianas.

Representantes del Programa Cristiano de Observadores del Clima (CCOP, por sus siglas en inglés), un grupo que forma parte de la Red del Movimiento Lausana y de la Alianza Evangélica Mundial para el Cuidado de la Creación, ha sido invitado por la ONU a la cumbre en calidad de observadores.

And an interview on a local Christian television station:

Creation care interview on Spanish television

The interview above features Michael J. Wickham, (in Spain known otherwise as Miguel Wickham), interviewed by Jose Pablo Sánchez, Director of the programme.  Miguel is a Geography teacher, since 1996 Head of Secondary of a British school in Madrid, and on the pastoral team of the Iglesia Evangelica en Suanzes, Madrid. He is also the author (with his father) of a book in 2012 in Spanish – ‘Ecología y Cristianismo: una reflexión cristiana’ .

Spanish Lausanne Network, LWCCN host event for churches Mon, 02 Dec 2019 10:47:56 +0000

Saturday 7 December a number of organizations will be cooperating to bring “Climate Change: COP25 and the Challenge for Our Churches” to the churches in the Madrid areas (and anyone else who would like to attend). This event is a wonderful example of partnership in the evangelical family for the sake of God’s creation and his Kingdom. Partners include Climate Caretakers and the CCOP program, the Spanish Lausanne Network, and the Spanish Evangelical Alliance.

As of this writing, there are more than 60 registered for the event. (Registration is required.)
