UNEP – The Pollinator: Creation Care Network News http://news.lwccn.com Headlines, opportunities and prayer needs from around the world. Fri, 02 Aug 2024 14:53:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/news.lwccn.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/cropped-pollinator-icon.png?fit=32%2C32 UNEP – The Pollinator: Creation Care Network News http://news.lwccn.com 32 32 164541824 Earthwatch: Key Global Environment Updates http://news.lwccn.com/2024/08/earthwatch-key-global-environment-updates/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=earthwatch-key-global-environment-updates Fri, 02 Aug 2024 11:25:07 +0000 http://news.lwccn.com/?p=1725

Our very own Dave Bookless brings us some sobering tidings and an invitation to pray –

“There is increasing evidence we’ve now entered a period of global climate and ecological instability, just as scientists have been predicting for years. A few recent examples:

As Christians, we need to respond first with lament and prayer, holding the human and nonhuman victims of these disasters in God’s presence, and repenting for our own and our society’s burning of fossil fuels and the selfish, greedy lifestyles that underlie these disasters. We also need to seek wisdom from God’s word and God’s Spirit as we discern the ‘signs of the times’ as reported in the media. We should fact-check carefully and be careful not to fall into the traps of doom-mongering (it’s too late, don’t bother trying to do anything) or false hope (it’s not that bad. God or new technology will save us).

Then we need to act, examining our own lifestyles, challenging our churches, lobbying local and national governments, and doing whatever we can at a local level.”

June 5: World Environment Day http://news.lwccn.com/2020/06/june-5-world-environment-day/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=june-5-world-environment-day Mon, 01 Jun 2020 10:15:00 +0000 http://news.lwccn.com/?p=646

The United Nation’s version of Earth Day, World Environment Day will be observed in many of our countries around the world on Friday, June 5. It is being officially hosted by Colombia and Germany with a theme of biodiversity. We hope you will take part wherever you are.

The World Environment Day webpage is here.

There will probably be a number of webinars and other online events marking the day. One that we are aware of is Connexions: Sustainable Food, Ecosystems and Biodiversity sponsored by the UNESCO Chair on Food, Biodiversity and Sustainability Studies.

In this webinar we’ll explore why biodiversity and ecosystems management are important components for building sustainable food systems. You’ll hear from researchers working directly with communities engaged in food production practices that are centred on biodiverse ecosystems. Drawing on community-based research in Brazil, Ecuador, and the Northwest Territories, you’ll learn about the unique challenges facing food systems actors and how communities are using agroforestry and other ecological food production principles to guide their work. 

Register for the webinar here.

If you want resources for your church, check out EFICOR’s Eco-Sunday materials here.

United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) 5 http://news.lwccn.com/2020/01/united-nations-environment-assembly-unea-5/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=united-nations-environment-assembly-unea-5 Thu, 30 Jan 2020 21:32:54 +0000 http://news.lwccn.com/?p=470

We have been informed that the Fifth United Nations Environmental Assembly will be held in Nairobi a year from now (22-26 February 2021). Here’s a bit from a faith-oriented UN newsletter:

Are you ready for the fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly that will take place in Nairobi 22-26 February 2021. The theme for the fifth session has been decided by the Bureau of the Assembly and reads as follows: “Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals”.  Although UNEA is still over a year ahead, but it is now where we start debating relevant issues, propose resolutions for adoption, preparing papers for submission and planning for special events. I will keep everyone informed of the progression of the preparations, but certainly we need to reflect on the faith-based perspectives of what is meant by “Strengthening Actions for Nature”? Last UNEA. We had 200 faith leaders participating for the first time, but with more than 45 FBOs already accredited to UNEP, we are expecting not only a massive participation, but also policy implications and impact. Please keep monitoring the UNEA space.
