Urbanism, or New Urbanism should be of much greater concern for those of us in the creation care movement than it often is. More of us live in cities now around the world. How do we bring the message of creation care to city dwellers, and how can we redesign our cities so they are healthy, sustainable, and even, perhaps, beautiful?
The 3rd International Symposium on Religious Life held this week included a special event, the launch of the International Council of Faiths for Urbanism.
Following Habitat III and the ratification of the New Urban Agenda in 2016, the International Council of Faiths for Urbanism (ICFU) was founded in 2017 at the inaugural UN-Habitat Faith-Based Urban Thinkers Campus in Singapore. Filling an observable absence of faith-based involvement in the multi-year process leading up to Habitat III, the ICFU has developed over the past three years. Through attending UN-Habitat’s 9th and 10th World Urban Forums, co-hosting Faith-Based Urban Thinkers Campuses, and attending other international events, the ICFU has worked towards the fulfillment of its mission to be the highest global faith-based body specializing in representing the interests and concerns of diverse faith traditions regarding urban development in the international arena. As well as encouraging the grassroots engagement of faiths in their urban contexts. At this inaugural public launch event, the ICFU will share with the international community its vision and work, and how its focus on urbanism at all scales—cities, towns, and villages, and its engagement with urban policy and development contributes to enhancing both religious life in communities and the common good for all.
We don’t find a link for the new organization yet, but if you’re interested, contact Chris Elisara (celisara@worldea.org), who informs us that he was recently elected to the Secretariat of the UN Habitat World Urban Campaign as co-chair of the Civil Society Partners group. Congratulations, Chris!