Welcome to The Pollinator! Here you will find items of interest submitted by members of the Lausanne/WEA Creation Care Network who are scattered across 130 countries. This material will fall into several categories:

  • Reports (events, initiatives, projects that have happened already).
  • Announcements and prayer (events etc. that are planned in the near future).
  • Opportunities (conferences, materials, resources that others may find helpful).
  • Resources (books, curriculum, tools that may be useful to you in your own work).
  • News (items from the general media related to creation care and the environment).

All of this material comes from people like you. Please send us your items – reports on what you have done, requests for prayer about upcoming activities, events you would like to invite people to attend. We will post everything we receive here that is related to creation care and will publish a selection in the Pollinator newsletter each month. Click here for guidelines and how to submit a news item.  If you are new to our community, click here to see our past monthly newsletters.

Recent news stories:

Christian Placemaking: Bridging the Culture and Creation Divide?

At the upcoming LWCCN webinar on July 9th entitled Placemaking and Creation Care: A Christian Perspective, several important questions, at least from my perspective, will be put on the table for consideration by the creation care community. If we align and agree on their significance, how we respond to these […]

Invitation to CCOP @ Azerbaijan

On the heels of the webinar, we bring you further news that: LWCCN is excited to be a part of the Christian Climate Observers Program (CCOP) at the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 29) in Baku, Azerbaijan, November 10-23rd. CCOP is training the next generation of UN […]

Earthkeeping Essay

How wonderful it is that Jesus died to save the planet! We draw your attention to a wonderful resource on earthkeeping, a comprehensive essay by Paul Kunert, available for free digitally or to buy as a printed booklet here [at https://licc.org.uk/resources/jesus-died-to-save-the-planet/]. Paul is a businessman and chartered accountant, with many years’ experience in […]

Tune In to Field Notes for your Listening & Learning Delight

What have you been listening to? Field Notes Podcast, by A Rocha Be inspired by stories of Christians engaged in earthkeeping around the world, often in challenging contexts! We invite you to these 30-40 minute podcasts [https://arocha.org/en/field-notes-podcast/] to deepen your understanding of this wonderfully created world and our place within it. Topics […]

Just Transition Wanted!

From 3 to 13 June, the World Conference Center in Bonn, Germany, (just 3 minutes from our World Evangelical Alliance Sustainability Center offices) will host the UN’s 2024 interim climate conference with the technical title ‘SB60’. This UN climate meeting builds on the numerous mandates that emerged at COP28 in […]

Would you care in Making a World of Difference?

We bring you news from our friends at Tearfund/Renew Our World! Making a World of Difference is now available for free download in French, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish, as well as English. This is a resource for church leaders, giving a Christian understanding of the climate crisis, the nature crisis, […]

An Invitation to Missional Discipleship and Sustainability

How is sustainability linked to God’s mission in this world? What good news does the Gospel speak into the world of finance? How is the road to discipleship connected with biodiversity and the created order? Do these questions pique your curiosity? The A Rocha community in Singapore is delighted to […]

LWCCN Quarterly Webinar: Creation Care in Cities

Save the Date!  Time: 13.00 UTC (14.00 BST) | Date: 9 July 2024 Mark your calendars! The next LWCCN Webinar will be on 9th July, on Creation Care in Cities. This is a vital subject, considering that more than 50% of the world’s population live in urban areas. Dr Chris Elisara from WEA and others […]

Special Report: On DRC Congo’s Environmental Challenges

We bring you some comments on the Environmental challenges in DRC Congo, written by Nshizirungu Hubert, project assistant at World Evangelical Alliance’s Sustainability Center. Hubert is a part-time student, pursuing a Masters of Sustainability and Risk Management at the Ostafalia University of Applied Science. Thousands of Congolese workers cram into […]