It’s a question that church and ministry leaders have been asking for years: Is Creation Care important or essential? Is this something all of us need to be involved in, or just a few specialists, with the rest of us cheering them on?
Our friends at Global Connections (UK), Climate Stewards, A Rocha, and All Nations College are providing a day-long online conference to explore this issue. (One of the unexpected benefits of the pandemic – any of us can participate from anywhere!) This event is intended primarily for mission agencies and churches who are supporting missions, but anyone is welcome.
So warm up your computer and prepare to join an amazing line up of speakers (Chris Wright and Rosalee Ewell lead the cast) on 4 February from 10 am to 4 pm UK time (that would be UTC time as well)
Below is the program. More here, along with registration information. (Registration and a modest fee is required to participate.)
Morning speakers (10-12am)
- Rev. Dr. Chris Wright, International Director, Langham Partnership International
- Dr. Rosalee V Ewell, Director of Church Relations for the United Bible Societies
- Seth Appiah-Kubi, Director, A Rocha Ghana
- Sumayya Sajjad, Project Director for Tearfund, Pakistan
Afternoon (2-4pm): case studies, workshops & discussions on topics including
- An in-depth look at eco-theology
- Practical advice on greening your mission agency
- Embedding creation care in policy and practice
- Carbon footprints and what to do about them
- Engaging with the next generation
- Creation care IS mission!
- The EcoChurch toolkit around the world
- Supporting environmental missions – a UK church perspective
Hope to see you there!