The “Group of Seven” (aka the G-7, the nations representing the world’s largest economies – Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the United States) will be meeting next week in Cornwall, UK. Though this group has no power of its own, discussions and decisions taken can be extremely influential for the rest of the world.
Which is why the recent report from Tearfund, Cleaning Up Their Act?, is both timely and important:
The responses of the G7 nations to Covid-19 will either accelerate the transition towards cleaner, more equitable societies or lock the planet into catastrophic and irreversible climate change.
This report shows that, since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic – and despite collective pledges to ‘build back better’ – G7 nations have been pumping more money into fossil fuels than they have into clean energy.
The report also recommends three commitments that G7 Leaders’ Summit participants can make to get back on track.