There are few situations in our modern world more fraught with injustice than climate change. We are pleased to note that The Justice Conference,
Brittany Michalski, A Rocha USA’s Project Coordinator for Climate Stewards USA, is inviting us to join The Justice Conference in Denver, CO this weekend. It is a bit late to travel unless you are already in Denver, but there is a virtual option. Brittany and Marc Antoine, Tearfund’s Haiti Country Director, will be presenting on the topic “Hope and Justice in a Time of Climate Crisis”.
At this time we don’t have information as to what time events are happening, and the registration link for the conference appears to be broken.
But we’re still glad that organizations like the Justice Conference recognize that we will never have a just world for people until we find ways to heal God’s creation. If any of our readers are able to attend this conference, send us a report!