Here’s a story from some Guatemalan friends from the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students who have initiated a project on creation care.
The Logos and Cosmos Initiative by IFES (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students) began in 2021, and we (Venuz and Johnny) were invited to consider several deeper questions that integrated our faith with our academic backgrounds: “How can we understand environmental issues through the eyes of faith? What does our Christian faith have to say about this crisis? What actions can we propose as Christians and professionals?”
Amidst these ruminations, we initiated a small action which involved creating space for dialogue with students from the University Evangelical Group (GEU) in Guatemala. The goal was to understand the science of climate change, articulate a Christian perspective, and encourage students to reflect on how their academic knowledge and skills could contribute to the message of restoration in the gospel. The project seeks to engage university students in reflection, so they understand how deeply God cares for creation. This belief should motivate them to be part of the plan to care for and restore it through changes in their lifestyles, personal aspirations, diet, community life, and more. We hope that by presenting the issue and the message of the gospel, the concept of caring for creation becomes a part of students’ lives.
Today, we have concluded this first stage, but we continue with a new project called “From Reflection to Action.” Here, we aim to promote dialogue spaces that include other important perspectives for the university, such as indigenous knowledge. Additionally, we want to provide tools and incentives for students to propose their own projects.
Please keep us in prayer:
- for the project’s beginning (September) and for the participants, that it becomes a space to reconnect with the Creator God and Sustainer of life.
- There are many plans and dreams for the medium and long term, but we need discernment, courage, and capabilities to work towards these. Pray that the Lord may provide in His time and finds us responsive to His call.
- We also desire to partner with the local church community and others around the world with individuals who have identified this as their calling. This would allow us to continue growing and enduring.

(Venuz Perez)