We bring some tidings from our friend Craig Sorley at the Creation Stewards International. CSI has been doing good work in responding to global food issues, hunger, and poverty—thereby also addressing and introducing climate change issues into the conversation.
Craig Sorley has served with Creation Stewards International (CSI) as the “Kenya Director” for more than 20 years. Working with both church and community leaders, as well as farmers, CSI’s focus is to train and disciple people to grow in Christ and become good stewards of creation. One example to be celebrated is CSI’s work with discouraged farmers, whose crop yields have declined dramatically due to erosion and deforestation. Using Farming God’s Way, a biblically based version of conservation agriculture, CSI has trained people how to restore their soil and their farms. Trees have been planted and many farmers across Kenya have been able to double and sometimes triple their crop yields. People win spiritually as they walk closer with God, and their hope and dignity are being restored as their farms grow more food.
To learn more about CSI’s work, and the 500 Mile Walk that Craig is doing, check out their website.