In Germany, congregations and groups from the Evangelical Alliance are showing an increasing concern for creation care.
The awareness of ecological crises, and Christian publications on the topic provided an impetus for this. Among the publications was the 2022 book “FROMM + GRÜN” (pious + green), published by Thomas Kröck and Heinrich Chr. Rust. This book presents a study investigating the concerns and sentiments of Protestant congregations towards the issue of creation care. Another study on social justice and environmental sustainability has been conducted by the research institute Empirica, due to be published in spring 2024.
Additionally, various Evangelical Alliance churches and church associations have been intentionally engaging with this topic:
The ‘Creation + Responsibility’ working group of the Evangelical Gnadauer Gemeinschaftsverband (an umbrella organisation of the Pietist congregations) was founded this year. This group aims to encourage churches to engage with this topic—part of the efforts for this includes a quarterly published newsletter.
Friends of A Rocha in Germany has also been established, and have been organising various events.
Prepared by: Dr. Thomas Kröck, Director of Studies at Christian Development Studies of AcF.