An Invitation to Missional Discipleship and Sustainability

How is sustainability linked to God’s mission in this world? What good news does the Gospel speak into the world of finance? How is the road to discipleship connected with biodiversity and the created order?

Do these questions pique your curiosity?

The A Rocha community in Singapore is delighted to host ‘Missional Discipleship and Sustainability’, a day conference in Singapore, alongside the support of Biblical Graduate School of Theology, Fellowship of Evangelical Students and Creation Care Singapore.

There, they hope to explore these questions and much more alongside A Rocha International leaders and local experts, speaking from the fields of theology, finance, science, and conservation.

If you happen to be in Singapore on the 11th of May, you know what to do – join us for the conversation, happening at Katong Presbyterian Church! Find out more details here. 

On that note, do check out a prior work by the A Rocha community in Singapore—God’s Gardeners: Creation Care Stories from Singapore and Malaysia.