The LWCCN Webinars

Did you manage to catch the LWWCN webinars on ‘Engaging Churches with Creation Care’ led by Kuki Rokhum and ‘Urban Placemaking’ led by Chris Elisara with others? Many have commented how helpful both these webinars were in providing handles and perspective in dealing with very real issues!

We’ll be sure to share the Urban Placemaking recording once we have it, but in the meanwhile, here are a few nuggets from that conversation:

“Christian Placemaking is a faith-based, community-engaged, and sustainable process of creating spaces that embody the principles of creation care, social and environmental justice, and holistic well-being. It seeks to honor the inherent dignity of every person, empower communities through participatory involvement, and reflect the values of God’s Kingdom in the built environment.” Chris Elisara

Helpful books on a Christian understanding of place and particularly urban spaces:

  • Philip Sheldrake: The Spiritual City: Theology, Spirituality, and the Urban
  • Craig G. Bartholomew: Where Mortals Dwell: A Christian View of Place for Today
  • Eric O. Jacobsen: The Space Between
  • Timothy Gorringe: A Theology of the Built Environment
  • Philip Bess: Till We Have Built Jerusalem

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