We knew things were greening up in the Church of England when Ruth Valerio was asked to write a book on behalf of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Saying Yes to Life! was released at the end of last year and is available both in hardcopy and Ebook formats. C of E has now gone one better with their first ever ‘Green Lent’ campaign:
The #LiveLent 2020 campaign gives Christians the chance to follow 40 daily reflections, actions and prayers all geared towards greener living…
Launching the resources, Archbishop Justin Welby said: “We urgently need to rebuild our relationship with our planet. To do this, we need to change our habits – in how we pray and how we act.
“Lent is not just about discipline. It’s about allowing Christ to show us what’s keeping us from loving and serving Him – and joyfully letting it go.
“Whatever age you are, this Lent I hope you’ll engage with God’s plea for us to care for His creation, and that these campaign resources will help you on that journey.”
Dr Ruth Valerio, Global Influencing and Advocacy Director at Tearfund, said: “Responding to the poverty and environmental crises of our times goes right to the heart of what it means to be a Christian in today’s world, following God who calls us to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with him.
“My prayer for Saying Yes to Life and the Church of England’s #LiveLent campaign is that they would inspire in us a deeper love for our global neighbours and the whole of God’s creation, and would equip us to take action in our lives and in our churches.”