Brian Webb is teaching another FREE (yes, you read that right!) online course out of Houghton College.
This one starts this week – on Wednesday, 1 September. It is scheduled each Wednesday from 7 to 9 pm Eastern Time (US) but registered participants can watch recordings in their own time zones, so don’t let the time stop you!
Here’s the description. You can register here – but do it soon!
Are you curious about environmental issues, but feel like there’s so much to learn and so much you don’t know? Are you interested in learning how to be a better steward of God’s creation? Ever wonder why environmental problems are so complicated? What’s really causing the environmental challenges we face today and what can be done about them?
Environment and Society provides answers to these questions (and many others) by providing an introduction to understanding the complex relationship between human society and the natural world. We will examine a variety of causes and consequences of environmental challenges, and will evaluate possible solutions from social, political, scientific, and ethical perspectives. The course serves as an excellent introduction to creation care and environmental stewardship for those looking to increase their understanding of these critical issues. It also functions as the introductory course for a degree in environmental studies.
Starting September 1, 2021
This 8-week course will meet Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 9:00 pm ET and will run through October 20. Class recordings will be made available to registered participants to watch asynchronously.