Earthwatch: Key Global Environment Updates

Our very own Dave Bookless brings us some sobering tidings and an invitation to pray –

“There is increasing evidence we’ve now entered a period of global climate and ecological instability, just as scientists have been predicting for years. A few recent examples:

As Christians, we need to respond first with lament and prayer, holding the human and nonhuman victims of these disasters in God’s presence, and repenting for our own and our society’s burning of fossil fuels and the selfish, greedy lifestyles that underlie these disasters. We also need to seek wisdom from God’s word and God’s Spirit as we discern the ‘signs of the times’ as reported in the media. We should fact-check carefully and be careful not to fall into the traps of doom-mongering (it’s too late, don’t bother trying to do anything) or false hope (it’s not that bad. God or new technology will save us).

Then we need to act, examining our own lifestyles, challenging our churches, lobbying local and national governments, and doing whatever we can at a local level.”