Critical Reflections on COP 29

In our last Pollinator issue, Dave Bookless wrote about COP16, the 16th global gathering on biodiversity. Now COP29—the 29th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference – has just finished. It was an important meeting, thought disappointing and disturbing in many ways. Here are two immediate and thought-provoking pieces. We will have further in-depth reflection from LWCCN members in our January issue of The Pollinator.

In this issue, we feature two thought-provoking pieces on COP29:

  1. The first, by climate scientist Dr. Katharine Hayhoe. Katharine provides a summary of the outcomes and gaps at COP 29. She critically examines the balance between the bold pledges for coal phaseouts, and the frustrating lack of progress on fossil fuel commitments.
  1. Then, news from Jocabed Solano, a theologian and activist, from the indigenous Gunadale natio in Panama. You would be familiar with Jocabed—we published her interview in relation to COP16 in our previous issue! She has shared this statement from the World Council of Churches on COP29.

Jocabed pictured here with Samuel Chiu (part of A Rocha Canada) at COP 29.