Regions and Countries: UNFCCC COP

25 posts

Launch of Faith for Cities Initiative 

The WEA Sustainability Center’s co-director, Dr. Chris Elisara, has launched a new initiative entitled Faith for Cities. This groundbreaking initiative, funded by the Templeton Religion Trust (TRT), is poised to harness the transformative potential of diverse faith traditions, collaborating with secular partners to champion urban development that fosters thriving communities for […]

COP27 Reports

There were a number of Creation Care organizations present at COP27. Most of us, however, weren’t able to attend. The following follow up summaries are available – some are reports, some are links to post-COP webinars. The Christian Climate Observers Program (CCOP) sent out daily reports; all are accessible here […]

Reflections on COP26

One of the best comment pieces we have seen after the COP26 meetings in Glasgow last November comes from Kuki Rokhum who works with EFICOR in India. Kuki is a veteran COP-attender (unlike your editor, who has managed to not attend any COP meeting up to now!) and does a […]

COP26 Update from CCOP: Hayhoe and Buttigieg

Transportation Day (Catriona Jenkins, Kari Miller and Norman Wirzba) Today is Transportation Day here at COP26. The importance of this theme cannot be emphasized enough; as much as 30% of greenhouse gases are produced by the transportation sector. Most people live within and depend upon a global economy in which […]