Creation care efforts around the world are steadily gaining momentum in 2025! Fresh on the heels of our first LWCCN webinar, here are key dates pertaining creation care to mark on your calendars and uphold in prayer:
- 3-7 March, Tirana, Albania, launch of Impact Team on Creation Care in Theological Education, as part of ICETE (International Council for Evangelical Theological Education) global conference. If you know people who’d be interested in joining this Impact Team, contact or sign up here.
- 22 April (or nearest suitable date) Earth Day: ‘Our Power, Our Planet’ (please see the article in this Pollinator issue).
- 10-17 May Tagaytay, Philippines A Rocha Worldwide Family Forum. (Bringing together leaders from A Rocha’s 20+ organisations to pray and plan)
- 29 May, 11:00 & 19:00 UTC – LWCCN Webinar: Creation care in the Workplace (booking details will be shared in the Pollinator)
- 9-13 June Nice, France United Nations Oceans Conference
- 14-19 July Panama Lausanne Network Catalysts Meeting (an opportunity to network creation care with other areas of ministry and mission)
- 1 September – 4 October – Season of Creation – this year’s theme is ‘Peace with Creation‘ and resources will be up soon at
- 4 September,11:00 & 19:00 UTC – LWCCN Webinar: Children & Young People in Creation Care (booking details will be shared in the Pollinator)
- 29 September – 2 October Cape Town, South Africa – Micah Global Consultation with the theme ‘Walking together in hope’. Creation care will be a significant theme. Find out more and book here.
- 9-15 October Abu Dhabi IUCN World Conservation Congress.The largest gathering of nature conservation experts, leaders and decision-makers in the world
- 27-31 October Seoul, South Korea World Evangelical Alliance General Assembly.
- 10-21 November Belem, Brazil COP30 United Nations Climate Conference, at which the CCOP (Christian Climate Observers Program) will be present
- 4 December, 11:00 & 19:00 UTC – LWCCN Webinar: Creation & the Arts (booking details will be shared in the Pollinator)