Categories: News

142 posts

Stories from the general news media that are of interest to network members.

Floods everywhere

It’s hard to keep up with the climate news these days. A quick search of flooding in Google News gives the following headlines in just the last week: Sidney, Australia Bangla Desh Pakistan Nicaragua Brazil Philippines Ghana China And a summary story on the connections between flooding and climate change […]

Of old trees… and old birds

Trees are surely one of the longest-living organisms in God’s creation. The record for longevity has long been thought to be held by Methuselah, a bristlecone pine in California, at 4,852 years old, though a fellow bristlecone may be 5,072 years ancient as of this year. (Think well before the […]

Taste and See: film documentary now screening

Five years after beginning the project, and two years after the first film was finished, the first instalment of Andrew Brumme’s pivotal film documentary series Taste and See is ready for viewing this weekend. Here at LWCCN we know Andrew quite well, and we love the idea of exploring food […]