Ruth Valerio from Tearfund is doing a survey about how we sustain and keep going in climate action. Please take part! Ruth says … There are 8 short questions that should take less than 5 minutes to answer. This survey is anonymous and you’re free to leave at any point […]
Regions and Countries: climate action
Our friends at CCOP (Christian Climate Observers Program) recently told us about this effort to get people praying before and during the upcoming COP26 meetings in Glasgow, Scotland: Recently, several creation care organizations launched a campaign called #ClimateVigil. Together, they are calling millions of Christians around the world to pray […]
Rolling Stone has a great story profiling several Young Evangelicals for Climate Action fellows. Here’s a taste: That conversation eventually led [William] Morris to spend a month doing volunteer work with a Christian conservation organization in Kenya, cataloging rare bird species, mapping mangrove forests, and collecting data on coral reefs. […]
Christian Climate Action, a Christian group mostly based in the UK and Europe, has launched a “40 Days of Climate Action” campaign for Lent this year: The campaign gets underway on Ash Wednesday on 26 February with a vigil outside Westminster Cathedral at midday that will then process to Westminster […]