Climate Intercessors is a global network “of people whose prayers are as real and urgent as the climate crisis.” Across six continents, we began gathering online since November 2020 during the week that the important COP26 climate summit was postponed due to the pandemic. It genuinely felt like we were […]
Regions and Countries: prayer
Climate Intercessors is a global network “of people whose prayers are as real and urgent as the climate crisis.” Across six continents, we began gathering online since November 2020 during the week that the important COP26 climate summit was postponed due to the pandemic. It genuinely felt like we were […]
In 2023 and 2024, global leaders are negotiating a treaty to ban plastic waste. Renew Our World, a global coalition for justice and creation care including Tearfund, A Rocha and many national partners, is spearheading a campaign to put pressure on our political leaders to act on plastic waste. While […]
If you are not yet familiar with the work of Climate Intercessors, we encourage you to check them out. They are “a global network of people whose prayers are as real and urgent as the climate crisis,” and they hold online prayer events on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, […]
As we write this, the war between Russia and Ukraine is only five days old, but more than 500,000 people have become refugees in that time, and of course many more remain in the country – some fighting, many hiding. We asked LWCCN friend Alexander Malov, who is one of […]
Following last month’s Pollinator on taking the long view of creation, one of our readers, Thomas Hieber, sent along a copy of what has become known as The Romero Prayer after Bishop Romero of San Salvador who was martyred in 1980. While it appears that the prayer was not actually […]
Here’s an invitation from Climate Intercessors to join them in prayer for the climate crisis. Prayer times are being held over Zoom and three times each scheduled day in order to accomodate different time zones. The next event will be February 8 as follows: Join our global zoom prayer meetings onTuesday, […]
Here is a unique and important idea: Join your prayer concerns with those of others around the world byusing WEA Sustainability Center’s digital world map. Here’s how it works: What creation care concern near you draws you into prayer? What need of creation leads you to supplication? What nature-based blessing […]
Matthias Boehning of the WEA Sustainability Center has compiled the following important summary of coming events for 2022. Please read, pray, and share: There are great expectations for the new year 2022 in terms of global sustainability efforts. Much has been postponed from 2020 and 2021 to a later date […]
Prayer Assignment “Do two work together unless they have agreed to do so?” Amos 3:3 So often we imagine we can accomplish much on our own, yet God calls us to walk in unity and friendship. There is a lot of conversation about collaboration in COP26 – because they have found it works so much better to […]