Every fall the nations of the world gather for the COP (Council of the Parties) climate change conferences. Over the last several years, more and more members of the creation care movement have been attending. Maybe you’d like to join them?
The US and Canadian chapters of the LWCCN have joined forces this year in what they hope will be an ongoing presence at these strategic meetings: The Christian Climate Observer’s Program (www.creationcaremissions.org/ccop-climate.html ) allows participants to attend as credentialed observers through one of our affiliated organization partners. Designed for students, but open to others (we think):
You will shadow seasoned professionals, experiencing firsthand the work of a climate summit, acquiring the skills of this important role in the Paris Process and building your own individualized plan for future climate action. Classes before, during, and after the COP will train you in a Christian perspective as CCOP seeks to train the next generation of climate observers.
There will be other organizations attending as well, and organizers will be planning a Christian “Basecamp” that will allow for fellowship, worship and prayer for anyone attending. Click on the link above or write to Lowell Bliss (Lowell AT edenvigil.org) if you’d like more information.
Do you have plans or want to know more? Or have you attended a COP in the past – share your experience with us in the comments on this article.