Biologos is becoming one of our go-to sites for solid scientific *and* biblical resources. These two articles showed up recently and are worth your time:
End Times and the Environment: Steven Bouma-Prediger from Hope College tackles the perennial dilemma confronting evangelical Christians: what to do (or think) when traditional interpretations of the end of history (eschatology) seem to conflict with caring for God’s creation. If it’s all going to burn up anyway, what then?
A view of the world (an ontology) in which spirit is separate from matter, and a view of humans (an anthropology) in which soul is separate from body, with the former in each case more valuable than the latter, easily leads to a view of the future (an eschatology) in which there is no reason to care for the earth. Eschatology shapes ethics. (emphasis ours)
So what does the Bible really teach about the future of Creation? Bouma-Prediger has answers for you. Read it here.
How to Spot Fake Science: What’s more dangerous than Fake News? You’re right, Fake Science can be even more deadly. Christy Hemphill, a Linguistic Consultant in Southern Mexico, explores the difference between “real” science and pseudo-science, and offers some easy to follow guidelines to figure out which is which:
A good first step is to become aware of the difference between science and what we call pseudoscience. Pseudoscience is difficult to define, and people may disagree on where to draw the line. Usually scientists label a claim as pseudoscience when the researchers don’t follow the usual methods for obtaining and reporting evidence. Often these suspect claims are used to sell products or validate a certain ideology or lifestyle.
Weight-loss programs and vitamin supplements are often rife with pseudoscientific claims. People may waste money, but these claims are usually not too harmful. Today’s misinformation about COVID-19 is another story. It is a matter of life and death for hundreds of thousands of people. If you learn to recognize some common red flags, you can avoid confusing pseudoscientific ideas with solid science.