If our theology allowed for Patron Saints, John Stott would be the Patron Saint of the Creation Care movement. He was exemplary in his love of God’s creation and active in areas such as encouraging the founding of A Rocha, so the celebration of his 100th birthday is an event of great interest to all of us in this movement.
Julia Cameron, formerly with Lausanne, has sent us this notice of the upcoming birthday celebration. Note that several of the speakers are good friends of LWCCN.
John Stott’s commitment to the environment was ahead of its time. He was a keen birdwatcher, indeed a world expert, having seen and photographed some 2,500 birds. He described himself with a smile as an ‘orni-theologian’ and wrote The Birds our Teachers to share his delight in birds.
To learn more of his rich ministry and legacy, join the service to mark the centenary of his birth on Tuesday 27th April at 11am. It will be broadcast from his church, All Souls, Langham Place, London at 11am UK time and 11am East coast time. The main speakers are Chris Wright, Ajith Fernando and Ruth Padilla Deborst, with contributions form all continents. We have special centenary bookstores in the US and in the UK with several new John Stott titles
[This might be an appropriate time to whisper a well-sourced rumor that there will soon be a new book containing all of Stott’s creation-care writings in one volume. Watch for it later this year!]
To join the London-timed service, click here to register.
For the North America-timed one, register here.
As an extra bonus, here’s a video from Chris Wright introducing the event…
…and Uncle John as he was known to friends at 4 years of age: