Earth Day 2021 will again be a virtual, online event on 22 April. We are informed that the folks at Earthday.org would very much like to include faith communities around the world in this year’s celebration.
To that end, there is a Faith and the Environment page at Earthday.org with a good list of resources. Check it out.
Since the first Earth Day in 1970, incredible environmental goals have been achieved, thanks largely to efforts by people of faith. The global faith community is a critical voice in overcoming obstacles and integrating environmental issues into political, social and economic agendas.
The theme for Earth Day 2021 is Restore Our Earth, which focuses on natural processes and emerging green technologies that can restore harmony with the world’s ecosystems. Join Earth Day 2021 and help us Restore Our Earth, not just because we care about the natural world, but because we are a part of it as well.