The Global Campaign for Creation Care and the Gospel began in November 2012 with the Jamaica Consultation. At that meeting an idea was born to bring the creation care message to the global church as quickly as possible. Ten years later, even with a global pandemic, we can say that this goal has been accomplished.
The last planned conference was held just last week in Ajloun Jordan, with almost 50 people gathering from almost all of the countries in the region. Speakers and participants included Las Newman, Global Director for Regions for Lausanne, Michael El Daba, Lausanne’s Regional Director for MENA, and Jack Sara, Secretary General for the Middle East North Africa Alliance of the WEA.
We will eventually release a summary report from the 10 year campaign. But for now we rejoice that God has allowed the dream conceived in Jamaica to be finally brought to fulfillment in that part of the world where the Gospel began – the Middle East.