“To put it simply, mission without creation care is mission without the full lordship of Christ’
– Dave Bookleess, EMQ Vol 59.2
We are delighted to share that the latest Evangelical Missions Quarterly (EMQ) issue is now out! As mentioned previously, this issue (April to June 2023) is devoted entirely to the topic of creation care—signalling that the missions community is well attending to how creation care is integral to our understanding and practice of mission.
EMQ is published online through the missionexus website. Some of the articles will be available to anyone online here; reading and downloading the main articles will require a subscription (instructions on the website).
The hardcopy print edition is available through Amazon; if you are considering a bulk order (more than 20 copies) please write in to Heather Pubols at EMQ-Editor@missionexus.org for a possible discount. Do mention that you are part of the Lausanne or WEA Creation Care Network!
Here are all the main articles in the issue to whet your appetite:
- Is Creation Care Really a Gospel Issue? – ED BROWN
- A Missional Theology of Creation Care – DAVID BOOKLESS
- Creation Stewardship, Food, and the Gospel: A Winning Recipe for Holistic Ministry in a Hungry World – CRAIG SORLEY
- Posture Over Program: OMF’s Creation Care Journey – JASMINE KWONG
- Is There a Green Gospel Message? – ERIK HYATT
- Witnessing God’s Resurrection Power in People and the Land – ALICE TLUSTOS and MARTIN TLUSTOS
- Planting Hope in the Wilderness of Our Heart – LAWRENCE KO
- Creation Care: An Essential Component of Integral Mission – KUKI ROKHUM and JOYLIN NIRUBA
- Preaching the Good News in a Time of Crisis – RACHEL MASH
- Creation Care and the Gospel in Uganda –SARA KAWEESA
We hope that you will take the opportunity to not only read this issue, but to share the good news with your friends, colleagues, church, and others regarding this important resource.