Yesterday the WEA Sustainability Center hosted an excellent webinar focusing on (what else?) Covid-19. This one was a bit different, though, as the speakers tried to look beyond our present situation. The webinar wrestled with three key questions:
- Stepping back – What can we learn about humanity, our societies, and our planet from this crisis?
- Stepping out – In which way does the current COVID-19 crisis provide a historic chance to rethink and redo the “People and Planet partnership”?
- Stepping up – How can people of faith be inspiring voices of hope and helpful hands of good these days, spreading the positive virus of transformation globally?
This is well worth your time. Featured speakers included (click on any name to access slides if available)
- Matthias K. Boehning, Director, WEA Sustainability Center
- Dave Bookless, Director for Theology, A Rocha International
- Professor Katharine Hayhoe, Climate Scientist & Climate Ambassador of the World Evangelical Alliance
- Ben Niblett, Coordinator of Renew our World, Tearfund
- Kuki Rokhum, Head of Training and Mobilization, Evangelical Fellowship of India Commission on Relief (EFICOR)
- Chris Elisara, Director, WEA Creation Care Task Force