We share with you some good news we’ve received from the good people at the Lausanne Movement, Canada. Joel Zantingh, the Director of Engagement there, reports:
It began with a simple question.
Last summer (2022), the Board and Staff serving the Lausanne Movement in Canada asked: ‘What would it look like to collaborate with our mission partners around themes that will help equip Canadians to participate in God’s mission more effectively?’
Creation Care, one of seven focus areas Lausanne Movement Canada has prioritized, was selected for the pilot phase of this project. From February 15 to March 22, we hosted an online webinar experience for interested Canadians to interact with featured guests from A Rocha, Lausanne/WEA Creation Care Network, Tearfund Canada, and Renew Our World. The format provided interaction with clips from the Lausanne Global Classroom: Creation Care content, then built upon the themes each week with interviews, breakout discussion, questions and reflections, as well as prayer. You can learn about how we structured the content here.
For participants, there were some ‘ahas’ around starting local, operating from a place of worship, stewardship, and wonder of God’s creation. One participant, Olivia (a pseudonym), expressed the following during our sixth session,
“We’ve been at this a long time, so how do we renew our spirits in this? We are so busy to do the work of creation care, that we forget to “slow down” and let God refresh us”.
She went on to say,
“I really resonated with that video clip (from Dave Bookless), where he shared, “If you don’t know what to do, pray.” That hit me like a ton of bricks, realizing I’ve been trudging along with the same things for a long time, but maybe it’s time for me to change this—maybe it’s time for me to pray for new revelation. God’s revelation is constant, and maybe my journey is supposed to change.
Praise God for the gift of being renewed, by His Word and Spirit, and through this community of fellow believers, sojourning together in caring for creation. You are welcome to get in touch with Joel at learn@lausannecanada.com from Lausanne Movement Canada, for further guidance on how you could initiate something similar where you have been planted, to make a difference.

at one of their webinar sessions, by Anja Oussoren from Tearfund