ECHO is an international organisation based in Florida that aims to equip and empower farming families across the globe with sustainable solutions to defeat hunger. They’ve been around as agents of hope for more than four decades! They are presently seeking a Chief Operating Officer to join them in ushering […]
Author: Prarthini Selveindran
Are you interested in learning about creation care movements and actions around the globe? Are you keen to join in fellow Christians in praying for the environmental crisis? Do you desire to encourage others and be encouraged on this journey? If you answered yes to the above, let us introduce […]
What have you been listening to? We are delighted to share some recent podcasts to cultivate our appreciation and deepen our understanding of this wonderfully created world and our place within it.
The John Stott memorial birding day was conceived to commemorate John Stott’s legacy, a fine theologian, and a passionate birder. A Rocha celebrates by encouraging the global family to go out into our wild spaces and spot as many bird species as possible in 24 hours. This year, mark your […]
The new IPCCC Sixth Assessment Synthesis Report (from the Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change) was released on March 20th. The full report took 8 years, runs to 8,000 pages and involved over 780 scientists! Let’s break it down to make it easier to understand: Chris Elisara writes (based on […]
In late March 2023, a team of WEA colleagues from the WEA Sustainability Center in Bonn and the WEA UN Liaison Office in New York participated in the UN Water Conference at the UN headquarters in New York to monitor its debates and decisions for the global evangelical community. On […]
We are glad to share an invitation to the Nepal Creation Care National Conference: Exploring God’s mandate to Care for His Creation which will be held from 24th to 26th April 2023 at Hotel Hann Kook Inn, Bal Kumari, Lalitpur. This marks the return of the national creation care conference […]
The war between Russia and Ukraine has been raging on, and the devastation it has wrought is beyond our imagination. We bring an update and an invitation to hear more on the situation from our friend Steve Michmerhuizen: “Ukraine has been under invasion since February 2022 and this war has […]
“To put it simply, mission without creation care is mission without the full lordship of Christ’– Dave Bookleess, EMQ Vol 59.2 We are delighted to share that the latest Evangelical Missions Quarterly (EMQ) issue is now out! As mentioned previously, this issue (April to June 2023) is devoted entirely to […]