Categories: Resources

136 posts

New book: The Creation Care Bible Challenge

A new book ‘The Creation Care Bible Challenge’ is about to be published (April 22nd), with 50 bible passages, each with a reflection, discussion questions and a prayer. Dave Bookless is one of the contributors, most of whom are from the US and largely Episcopal (lots of Bishops), but others […]

The Romero Prayer

Following last month’s Pollinator on taking the long view of creation, one of our readers, Thomas Hieber, sent along a copy of what has become known as The Romero Prayer after Bishop Romero of San Salvador who was martyred in 1980. While it appears that the prayer was not actually […]

New Creation Care Booklet from OMF

David Gould is one of the original members of the Lausanne/WEA Creation Care network. With Bishop Efraim Tendero, David carried most of the burden of organizing our first regional conference of the series that became the Global Campaign for Creation Care and the Gospel. He was an OMF Advocate for […]