Bob Sluka and Brittany Michalski are inviting you to join them May 9-20 for another A Rocha Adventure experience in south Florida. This is a Research and Exploration trip designed for college students and recent graduates interested in learning about marine conservation, research techniques, and its integration with Christian faith. This trip is designed with CDC Covid Guidelines in mind.
Location: Titusville, Florida
Trip dates: May 9-20, 2021
Last day to register: May 1, 2021
Cost: $2000Learn more about the trip and register here.
One participant in last year’s trip describes his experience like this:
Lots of emphasis was put on the ‘Exploration’ of this Marine Research and Exploration Trip. Most days consisted of traveling to new locations and completing new activities. We visited various beaches for research and for fun. We snorkeled, kayaked, and bodyboarded. We hunted for microplastics and tried our hand at identifying seabirds. Our little posse explored Orlando Wetlands Park, swam in cold springs, learned about sustainable community farming, and even got to see a rocket launch in the early morning!
…easily the most magical moment, was kayaking among bioluminescent plankton at night. We started in a brackish river system before sundown, getting to paddle alongside manatees – an awesome experience in itself – before watching the sunset. As darkness fell, the waters began to light up like the overhanging stars. Any movement – wave action, paddling our boats – stirred up the plankton and caused a glowing reaction. Simply touching the water made the sea light up brilliantly. Fish could be seen darting beneath the surface, seeming like ancient spirits flitting in from another realm. All in all, this was one of the most surreal and beautiful moments of my life.
Read more about Jeremy’s experience on the 2020 Research and Exploration trip here. Questions? Email florida@arocha.org