Regions and Countries: Prayer

16 posts

Another way to pray over COP26: Climate Vigils around the world

Our friends at CCOP (Christian Climate Observers Program) recently told us about this effort to get people praying before and during the upcoming COP26 meetings in Glasgow, Scotland: Recently, several creation care organizations launched a campaign called #ClimateVigil. Together, they are calling millions of Christians around the world to pray […]

Praying about the climate? Yes!

A relatively new prayer initiative, Climate Intercessors, got a push this month with an article in Christianity Today: “Asking God to Reduce Climate Emissions“: The prayer campaign is organized by former Baptist missionary Lowell Bliss and includes leaders from the Lausanne/World Evangelical Alliance Creation Care Network, A Rocha International, Youth With A […]

Save the Date: Washington DC Creation Care Prayer Breakfast May 20

US based network members, particularly those on the East Coast may be interested in this event. More information to come; check the Facebook event here. Breakfast hosts are the Evangelical Environmental Network, Young Evangelicals for Climate Action (YECA), and the National Association of Evangelicals. Cosponsors include Care of Creation, the […]