God in the Ordinary is a twice-monthly podcast dedicated to the premise that “ordinary Christians are the perfect candidates to serve God.” Two of those ordinary (though we would probably use extraordinary) people recently interviewed include A Rocha leaders Brittany Michalski and Bob Sluka. Here are the details on each of their episodes:
Brittany Michalski (click here to listen): Do you ever wonder if the problems of climate change are really something worth engaging with? Are you considering how you can respond to questions about ecology, lower carbon living, and creation in general? Do you think about how Jesus might react to issues of stewarding the world He gave us? This week’s guest can help you reflect on all that and more. Brittany Michalski is a conservation ecologist for Arocha USA, and a project coordinator of Climate Stewards. Brittany shares how she blesses both her neighbours and the planet by being mindful and intentional about how she treats all of creation; helps us remember and recognise how God reveals Himself through creation; and comes to the measured conclusion that Christians should be joining in with the fight against global warming – her studies of marine ecosystems make her acutely aware of the negative impact of various pollutants. You’ll be encouraged as we learn about the strong links between faith and science, and will be equipped by the many resources she shares. Christians ought to be challenged to think and talk about environmental sustainability and Brittany lovingly guides us as we discuss this important topic.
Bob Sluka (click here to listen): Can science and Christian faith live side-by-side? Are our small personal efforts towards recycling really making any difference? And does God want all my attention to be turned towards telling people about Jesus with words alone? Bob Sluka, Lead Scientist of A Rocha USA’s Marine Conservation Program, joins us to talk about how he reveals God through his work. Bob shares how he’s seen God’s fingerprints in creation and tells of his motivation behind serving God in this field of science; tells us about some simple steps we can all take to help heal our lands, from how we fertilize our lawns to what fish we purchase from the supermarket; and spurs us on to think more deeply about how God sees His creation and encourages us to consider how God created all things to worship Him as they flourish. Bob is living a life that integrates his beliefs and love of the ocean in a way that brings blessing to people, nations, and the planet, and it’s inspiring. This edition is being released close to Earth Day 2022 and helps us to consider how Christians ought to respond to the many issues surrounding pollution and conservation. So listen to this episode and hear how Bob’s words of wisdom encourage you on to new thinking and maybe even fresh action.