We bring you news of this book from Pastor Wen-Pin Leow:
What happens when you put a pastor, a theologian, and a geospatial analyst together in Singapore? A primer on creation care, of course! On 23 September 2023, Rev. Kuo-Yung Lam (the pastor), Ps. Wen-Pin Leow (the theologian), and Mr Dennis Tan (the geospatial analyst) launched their new introduction to creation care, specifically written for churches, entitled Creation Care and the Gospel. The 52-page book comprises both biblical theology of and discussions on how creation care can be lived out as an essential part of Christian discipleship.
The book had its genesis (pun intended!) at a creation care conference organised in 2022 by Creation Care Singapore (a youth-led Christian advocacy group). The conference was very well-attended, and there were several calls to convert the conference’s teaching into a more-useable format. Thus, in collaboration with Armour Publishing, the book project was conceived as the first volume of a series entitled Asian Resources for Ministry (ARM)–a book series written by Asians for Asians that equips the Church in Asia to address complex modern issues.
The book launch had a good turnout. After a short introduction to the book by Ps. Leow, Mr Tan brought the attendees through a spiritual reflection exercise that drew discipleship lessons from creation (cf. Job 12:7–10). Thereafter, Rev. Lam and his team brought the attendees on a tour around the launch venue, Katong Presbyterian Church (where Rev. Lam is the Senior Pastor). Creation care is one of the church’s core values, and is lived out in the church’s everyday life, including in church building’s design.
You can purchase Creation Care and the Gospel in e-book format and paperback format (the latter is printed on FSC-certified paper). Use promo code ‘ARMCCTG’ to get 20% off (valid till 30 Sep 2023).