The theme for this year’s Season of Creation will be Jubilee for the Earth. In preparation for this year’s Season (starts 1 September), please join a webinar on 8 June at 16:00 Central European Time (14:00 UTC).
Speakers include a global line up, several of whom are well known to us at LWCCN:
- Ruth Valerio, Tearfund
- Rei Crizaldo, Micah
- Martin Kopp, Greenfaith
- Fr. Joshstrom Knreethadfam, Vatican
- Ruth Padilla deBorst, Latin America Theological Fellowship
- Moderators: Chad Rimmer, Lutheran World Federation and our own Dave Bookless, A Rocha
Zoom registration link is here.
PDF Announcement slide (if you want to share this information) is here.