Looking for some stories of ordinary people fighting back against climate change? This podcast from highly regarded Foreign Policy and Climate Investment Funds might be what you’re looking for. The climate change crisis can feel so formidable, so daunting, that instead of mobilizing people to action, it engenders paralysis. What […]
Categories: Resources
Or, “Five Ways to Participate in Creation Care Where You’re Planted” – an article on the OMF website by Jasmine Kwong that is worth reading and passing along to people you might know who could use a brief, well-written introduction to the topic of creation care. Here’s her introduction: Creation […]
The theme for this year’s Season of Creation will be Jubilee for the Earth. In preparation for this year’s Season (starts 1 September), please join a webinar on 8 June at 16:00 Central European Time (14:00 UTC). Speakers include a global line up, several of whom are well known to […]
Rebooting: When a computer or other electronic device has got so messed up that the only solution is to turn the thing off and start over again. That is what corona virus has done to the global economy and to all of our societies. Tearfund UK has a new campaign to help us do just that: Reboot while we restart:
Many of us have struggled to understand what is happening in the world today from a theological perspective. Is Covid-19 as sign of the end times? Is God unveiling his wrath? Or is this simply one more difficult experience in the history of the human race? Andrew Shepherd, Lecturer at […]
The United Nation’s version of Earth Day, World Environment Day will be observed in many of our countries around the world on Friday, June 5. It is being officially hosted by Colombia and Germany with a theme of biodiversity. We hope you will take part wherever you are.
How does a children’s naturalist cope with a quarantine? He takes to video, of course. Meet Mr. Jared… #creationcare
When is Eco-Sunday? Any Sunday in June. Resources from EFICOR in India will work in ANY country! #EFICOR #creationcare
Have you discovered Renew Our World’s beautiful worship anthem? It’s available to listen to on YouTube (see below) or as a free download from the ROW website here. It’s beautiful and meaningful – and very singable. Take it home to your church! Some of the lyrics: The forests are groaning […]
The Lausanne/WEA Creation Care Network is releasing episodes of the Lausanne Global Classroom Creation Care series daily. Here’s Episode 7: Science and Faith. Enjoy!